Pre-Designed Collections
Searching for a full field or floor look? On a time crunch, or have a show concept, but can't find the right visual products? You've come to the right place! These Pre-Designed Collections put a marching band, winterguard, indoor percussion or winds group show for you, WITHOUT the hassle. Get started ordering your products today at https://dpgperforms.com/contact/
Interested in a collection, but want to change a color? Reach out to one of our sales team members and ask about our color change process. Easy, and less expensive than a full redesign!!!
Get started today at https://dpgperforms.com/contact/ !

Ombre Glitter Package - Front Prop (PROP_OMG1-3_B1-B12)

Black and White Package - Teardrop Flag 4 (FTD_B&W4)

Black and White Package - Teardrop Flag 3 (FTD_B&W3)

Black and White Package - Floor/Tarp (20233849)

The Beetlejuice Collection - Teardrop Flag (FTD_BTL)

The Beetlejuice Collection - Standard Flag (FST_BTL4)

The Beetlejuice Collection - Distressed Flag (FDIS_BTL)

The Beetlejuice Collection - Arc Flag (FARC_BTL)

SoundWaves Collection - Drum Major Power Top w/ Half Body Drop and Bibbers Set (20211078_D-E)

SoundWaves Collection - Band Bibbers (20211078_C)